with Dave Lukas
How To Get Long In A Scary Market
The Coronavirus fears have sent stocks and treasuries into a downward spiral. And with a botched oil deal over the weekend, oil prices are tanking across the globe. The market continues to get smacked around, with no bottom in sight. But... is this selloff an...
Two Tricky Ways To Trade This Market
What another wild week that just wrapped up! One day we are up almost 4% and the next we are down. It’s impossible to predict any sort of market direction when daily swings are that large. And these types of sudden changes in direction lead to fear and panic from...
Harnessing the power of fractal energy
There are two phases of the market, calm and crazy, with very little in between. Either you have the market timed perfectly or you run the risk of being blindsided by sudden market moves. And recently with the markets being plunged into chaos from an unknown...
Don’t Do This When The Market Is Collapsing
The hardest part when trading is that nobody knows if it is just the beginning or near the end of a massive selloff. But one thing is always certain - panicking when the markets are selling off is always the wrong decision. And to be truthful... that is hard not to...
Why It Pays To Be Selling Naked Puts
Last week’s market declined marked the largest on record in over a decade. And unfortunately, there are no signs of it coming to an end anytime soon. Check out the chart below for some perspective: Source: CNBC.com The coronavirus threat has led several companies to...
Latest News
How To Get Long In A Scary Market
The Coronavirus fears have sent stocks and treasuries into a downward spiral. And with a botched oil deal over the weekend, oil prices are tanking across the globe. The market continues to get smacked around, with no bottom in sight. But... is this selloff an...
Two Tricky Ways To Trade This Market
What another wild week that just wrapped up! One day we are up almost 4% and the next we are down. It’s impossible to predict any sort of market direction when daily swings are that large. And these types of sudden changes in direction lead to fear and panic from...
Harnessing the power of fractal energy
There are two phases of the market, calm and crazy, with very little in between. Either you have the market timed perfectly or you run the risk of being blindsided by sudden market moves. And recently with the markets being plunged into chaos from an unknown...
Don’t Do This When The Market Is Collapsing
The hardest part when trading is that nobody knows if it is just the beginning or near the end of a massive selloff. But one thing is always certain - panicking when the markets are selling off is always the wrong decision. And to be truthful... that is hard not to...
Why It Pays To Be Selling Naked Puts
Last week’s market declined marked the largest on record in over a decade. And unfortunately, there are no signs of it coming to an end anytime soon. Check out the chart below for some perspective: Source: CNBC.com The coronavirus threat has led several companies to...