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Don’t Do This When The Market Is Collapsing

The hardest part when trading is that nobody knows if it is just the beginning or near the end of a massive selloff.   But one thing is always certain – panicking when the markets are selling off is always the wrong decision. And to be truthful… that is...

Why It Pays To Be Selling Naked Puts

Last week’s market declined marked the largest on record in over a decade. And unfortunately, there are no signs of it coming to an end anytime soon. Check out the chart below for some perspective: Source: The coronavirus threat has led several companies to...

Credit spreads for stress-free trading

After two days of intense selling pressure traders will be looking for signs that point to a bounce. Looking at my number one indicator, the Fractal Energy plot on the S&P, it appears there is in an exhaustion range on the daily chart and as we know, is into...

How to Understand the Common Greeks

When a global stock market sell-off is taking place, it’s important to remain calm, but opportunistic.  For some traders the market will move too fast for them. If you are one of those traders who struggles in a fast market, then instead of trying to fight it, take...

The Perfect Indicator For Credit Spreads

They say there is nothing certain in life besides death and taxes. I disagree.   Unfortunately, in trading, there are no certainties either. The only thing a trader can do is find ways of stacking the house odds in their favor and executing their strategy. If the...