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How To Trade Without Being Glued To A Monitor

  Life as a full-time trader is pretty demanding. Hours are long, stress is high, and you risk your hard-earned money every trade you place.   But what if I told you that it doesn’t have to be that way?  And I’ve been asked over and over, Can I possibly make...

The Power Of Fractal Energy

  I am mind blown by how many traders follow off-the-shelf indicators blindly with no idea what they show them But for some reason, RSI is one of these indicators, even though it was touted by CNBC as being a great place to get short stocks Now… it might work for...

A Strategy To Create Income When The Market Stalls Out

  When the markets run higher there’s one thing you do… hold on for the ride  But when the markets go flat to sideways, a trader needs to be more strategic And that’s where everything starts to break down  Place the wrong trade at a breakout level and you’re...

Why I Leverage These Three Tools For Every Trade

  Let me cut straight to the point… If you’ve got so many indicators on your charts where it looks like spaghetti or pick-up-sticks… You’re doing this technical analysis thing all wrong. But that’s ok… It’s probably because you haven’t learned how to...