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My Favorite Strategy For A Neutral Market

We’re often betting on whether or not stocks are going to go up or down… But very rarely do you hear about the trader who plays for ranges. Now it might sound crazy to you… Sideways markets are one of  my favorites to trade And in sideways markets I can...

How To Turn A Loser Into A Winner

Have you ever been stuck in a trade that went against you just to wish you have never taken it in the first place? You know what I mean… when you’re staring at your screen in disbelief, just watching your position move against you… As a stock trader, you are...

The Insurance Strategy Explained

As a stock trader, you only have 2 ways to trade the markets Stocks only allow you to get long or short stock by buying or selling the underlying asset. But as an option trader, you have many choices. Since options are a highly leveraged trading instrument that can...

Confessions of An Options Seller

When it comes to trading strategies, I make sure generating cash flow is on the top of my list. By defining my income, I will always be able to plan for the future without having to take oversized bets to achieve my profit goals. Having stability in business is...