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My Go To Strategy For 100% Returns

My favorite options strategy is built on generating cash flow.  And if I can collect income…and define my risk… Well…that’s what I call a sound business.  It’s like the insurance business…profitable but not exactly sexy.  Sure, you might argue that I...

Using Higher Time Frames To Time Your Trades

Do you often second-guess yourself after getting into a trade… “Is the right price?” “Is my timing good?” The good news is that this is an easy problem to fix. I utilize a proprietary trading indicator that helps me improve my accuracy and timing… And today I...

The Power Of Exhausted Fractals

Did you know that timing the markets is one of the hardest feats in all of trading… In fact, you’re putting yourself in a world of hurt if trying to rely on it—to build long-term wealth.  However, attempting to accurately pick market tops and bottoms is what every...

Take The Stress Out Of Trading Using Credit Spreads

Don’t you hate the feeling of getting into a trade and then immediately watching it go against you? I know it’s just part of trading… But I can’t stand it… I’ve seen it put traders on edge— leading them to make a series of hapless decisions…  In the gambling...

Fractals Give Early Signal Where Markets Are Heading

Ever since the Fed and Treasury announced they’d be injecting trillions of dollars into the economy… Stocks have gone straight up.  But many are starting to worry that move has been too fast, and are now in overbought territory.  If you’re trying to time the market…...